In this example, we will be using Pro Tools to set up a multi-timbral performance with 8 Parts sent to separate outputs in UVI Workstation.
Each Part will be set with a different MIDI channel input and plug-in output as follows:
MIDI channel 1 > Part 1 > Main Out
MIDI channel 2 > Part 2 > Out 2
MIDI channel 3 > Part 3 > Out 3, and so on
1. Create 8 stereo instrument tracks in your Pro Tools session
2. Load UVI Workstation into the first insert slot of your first instrument track
3. In UVI Workstation, create a Multi with 8 Parts, each assigned to their respective MIDI channels
4. Switch into Expert Mode (see the cogwheel icon on the Multi page) then assign each Part to its respective plug-in output
5. Select the respective MIDI channels for the last 7 instrument tracks as follows:
Track 2 > channel-2, Track 3 > channel-3, and so on
Tip: Select the 7 last instruments tracks then hold down Alt+Cmd on Mac (Control+Alt on Windows) and select "Inst 1 - UVIWorkstation: channel-2" for Track 2 – this will automatically assign each MIDI track to the corresponding Part in UVI Workstation.
You should end up with something like this:
6. Set Plugin Outputs to respective Audio Inputs for the last 7 instruments tracks as follow:
Track 2 > Out 2, Track 3 > Out 3, and so on
Tip: Select the 7 last instruments tracks and hold down Alt+Cmd on Mac (Control+Alt on Windows) then select "UVIWorkstation - Inst 1 - Insert A > Out 2" for Track 2 – this will automatically assign each Plugin Output from UVI Workstation to these tracks.
You should end up with something like this:
7. You can now send your 8 Parts through 8 separate tracks in Pro Tools