SparkVerb is a unique and versatile reverb with an extraordinarily light CPU footprint. A single Size parameter emulates room reflections from 4 to 50 meters while Decay can be shaped globally and with independent low and high frequency multipliers, each with adjustable crossovers.
- Let’s create a quick set of loops. In this case we are using Falcon’s search engine to find the loops from entire our soundbanks such as Mayhem of Loops. Navigate to it and create new parts for loop files by dragging them over to the parts list. If the loops are not playing automatically hit Play in Falcon’s header or in your DAW transport if you are using Falcon as a plugin.
- Now that we have some loops let’s put SparkVerb on an Aux channel. This will allow us to use one instance of SparkVerb for as many parts as we like. Click the Mixer button in Falcon’s header to change the current view. Now we can see our 3 instrument parts on the left and 4 aux channels and the master on the right.
- Click the + button at the top of the Aux1 channel and select Reverb > SparkVerb > 05 - Room > Ambience Room, you should now see the SparkVerb interface at the top.
At the center of the SparkVerb interface is the spectral display. frequency is mapped across the X axis (low to high) and decay time along the Y axis. - Since we’ve instanced SparkVerb on an effect bus let’s turn the Mix amount up to “100%”, as we’ll control the wet amount with individual track sends.
- Let’s send some signal from our 3 loops over to SparkVerb. Set the Aux1 sends for them as “-16db”, “-30db” and “-60db”, respectively. We can now hear all three tracks effected by the reverb.
- Now, finally, let's toggle the Power button on/off to A/B the results (wet/dry).
From here, we can continue exploring SparkVerb settings and if we find one that works well that we want to save, we can make a preset to recall later.
You can also create interesting textures from SparkVerb’s decay with its Freeze function. For example, while a drum loop is playing, press the Freeze button just after a snare hit — the decay will hold indefinitely, even if the drum loop stops. That decay will be held until Freeze is disabled.