Have you checked out Meteor, our swell and impact designer, yet? For those of you who have, read on for some tips and tricks from head-designer Antoine Martin as he gives some advice on how to get started creating rich and immersive sounds!
Here’s a few ideas to start from scratch and get a simple but powerful slam sound!
- For the Rise: "it always works for me to randomize the samples. I generally pan one sample to the left, one to the right and leave the third in the center. Then, to build a great stereo effect, adjust the curve of the left and right samples by setting a steeper slope. Thus, the Rise seems to widen as it comes to an end. Additionally, you can change the Pitch value and choose “Curve” as source modulation, which will quickly make your sound lively."
- For the Impact: "Select a simple kick or percussion (I like “PRC Large Hit 1” or “WDR Tambour Body” to give some examples), boost the low end with the Tilt filter, and don’t be shy when setting the amount of reverb. To add density and character to it, use a field recording for one of the layers, sharpen the Transient with the first Shape knob and boost the high end with the Tilt filter again. Then you can slightly delay the kick by 10 to 20 ms with the Offset knob in the bottom left. This knob is very useful to avoid an overwhelming transient from your impact. That should be a pretty good start to designing your own sounds in Meteor!"
Discover more about Meteor: https://www.uvi.net/meteor
Meteor’s trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcUEpjV_S6k
Watch Meteor in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drxKcsiYMhE