UVI Portal provides one-click automated download and installation for all your UVI products.
- Installing UVI Workstation, Falcon or Effects
- Installing Soundbanks
- Installing Falcon Factory and Expansions

UVI Workstation, Falcon or Effects
Simply click the Install button of the product to start the download and installation process.

Here are the default soundbank locations for UVI Workstation and Falcon on your system:
- (Mac) Library/Application Support/UVISoundBanks
- (PC) Program Files\UVISoundBanks
If you want to save your new soundbank(s) in a specific location, you need to select the correct one by ticking the desired path in Menu > Preferences > UFS Paths > Install to:
Click the Install button of the product to start the download and installation process.
If UVI Workstation or Falcon is not installed or if an update is required, a warning notification will invite you to click on either Download UVI Workstation or Download Falcon.
Wait until the process is completed and then click the Install button of the product to start the download and installation process of your soundbank.

Here are the default locations for Falcon Expansions on your system:
- (Mac) Library/Application Support/UVISoundBanks
- (PC) Program Files\UVISoundBanks
If you want to save your new Falcon expansion(s) in a specific location, you need to select the correct one by ticking the desired path in Menu > Preferences > Soundbanks Paths > Install to:
Click the Install button of the product to start the download and installation process.
If Falcon is not installed or if an update is required, a warning notification will invite you to click on Download Falcon.
Wait until the process is completed and then click the Install button of the product to start the download and installation process of your expansion.
Please refer to the UVI Portal Manual for more details.